How you can stay fit despite a busy schedule
Working 9-5 is not easy, especially if you are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and your fitness. However, it is possible to be healthy and fit while working 9-5. Here are some tips for increasing your fitness on a tight schedule:
Have a flexible plan and set a goal.
You can't just start running and expect to be fit in 3 weeks. You need to set goals and take the time to plan out your fitness routine. It's also important to be honest with yourself about how much you're willing to work for your goal, whether it's losing weight, getting stronger or fitter.
You should also be realistic about what you want to achieve in a certain amount of time. If you want to lose 15kg by summer time, that is an ambitious goal! But if you've never exercised before and have no idea where to start, it may not be something that's realistic for someone who works 9-5 every day.
Instead of setting an impossible goal for yourself (and failing), consider setting smaller goals such as "I'm going on more walks during lunch", or "I'm going to the gym twice per week". This way if something comes up at work or at home requiring more time than usual from you, then it is easy enough for those small changes in routine won't throw off your schedule too much.
Eat foods that provide you with energy.
Eating foods that provide you with energy is key to keeping up your fitness routine when you’re working a nine-to-five job.
Foods high in nutrients are good for your body and your mind, so try to eat more of them. Dark green vegetables, nuts, seeds and beans are all great sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will keep you feeling healthy for years to come.
High-protein foods also help keep you full longer than lower protein options—think chicken breast over chicken nuggets! A study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that eating more protein could lower diabetes risk by 24%. Eating the right amount of protein can also help build muscle mass which will make it easier for you to exercise when it comes time for break time at work!
Fibre helps keep us regular too! In fact according to WebMD “fibre helps prevent constipation by adding bulk to stool so it moves through the digestive tract more quickly."
Even if you’re sitting at your desk, find ways to be active throughout the day.
Even if you’re sitting at your desk, find ways to be active throughout the day.
Do some stretches. You can do these either sitting down or standing up, but it's great to have a routine where you stand up and stretch for about five minutes a couple times a day.
Stand up and walk around the office once an hour. Walk around your office building or take a walk outside for a few minutes; get some fresh air!
Use a standing desk if you don’t already have one (or use an exercise ball as your chair). This way when you need to sit down while working, you’ll still be active instead of being stationary!
Keep hydrated by drinking water throughout the workday.
If you’re feeling thirsty, it’s too late. You should have started drinking water hours ago!
While a lot of people are familiar with the benefits of drinking water, most don’t realise how much more effectively they can work out if they drink enough of it. Water is essential for many different functions in your body, including metabolism and digestion. It's also one of your body's main cooling systems—in fact, every time you sweat (whether or not you're being active), that moisture comes from H2O! So staying hydrated (drinking plenty of H2O) will help you keep cool during exercise and prevent overheating which can lead to exhaustion or even heat stroke.
If you don't feel thirsty during exercise then chances are good that you're probably already consuming enough fluids on a regular basis through foods like fruits and vegetables which contain some amount of water naturally within their cells; however if there's something specific causing dehydration such as high temperatures outside then make sure to drink up more often than usual just so long as it doesn't cause bloating or other undesirable side effects (such as electrolyte imbalances).
Talk to your boss about flexible work hours.
Try talking to your boss about flexible work hours. This is one of the best ways you can increase your fitness while working 9 to 5. By being able to take a break during the day, you'll be more likely to go running or hit the gym on your lunch hour rather than napping in your car. You could also try setting an alarm 15 minutes before quitting time and using that time for physical activity—if it's only 15 minutes, it won't feel like much of an imposition on anyone else if you need some extra exercise (and besides, everyone will be happier knowing you're getting enough exercise).
Dedicate time to working out during the weekend.
If working out during the week seems impossible but staying active is still important to you, consider dedicating time on the weekend to exercise. If that's also too difficult, start small by walking around the block after dinner or taking an extra 15 minutes before bed each night (make sure it helps with sleep). The important thing is that even if it doesn't seem like much now, these small changes will add up over time and eventually become habit-forming!
Consider hiring a personal trainer.
If you're interested in increasing your overall fitness and health, but don't have the drive to go to the gym on a regular basis, consider hiring a personal trainer. A personal trainer can help you stay motivated, determine what exercises are best for your needs and goals, create programs that fit into your schedule, keep track of the results of your efforts, and much more.
You should consider a personal trainer are if you're trying to lose weight or get in better shape.
We hope these tips have given you some ideas on how to stay fit while working 9-5. These are just a few small changes that can make a huge difference in your life and health. Remember, it’s never too late to start exercising or making healthy choices!
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